Peter Donahue

Welcome to my website. Poke around. If you see something interesting (or amiss), I would love to hear from you. You can find me in the back.
Ilha de Santa Maria, the Azores (1,000 miles off the coast of Portugal), Feb. 15 - March 18.
Art Ichol Artist and Writers Residency, Maihar, Madhya Pradesh, India. Nov. 2 - Dec. 2, 2023.
Himalayan Writing Retreat, Village Satkhol, Uttarakhand, India. Oct. 2 - 13, 2023.
I am currently working on a novel about Sage Patanjali, who composed the Yoga Sutras, the basis for classical yoga philosophy. The novel is set during India's Golden Age (c. 4th century CE) when Indian philosophy, science, math, and astronomy flourished. It aims to capture the spirit of the period and includes such seminal historical figures as the playwright-poet Kalidasa, the Buddhist monk Fa-Hien, and the Sankhya philosopher Isvarakrishna. Atha Yoga: The Imagined Life of Sage Patañjali reveals the tribulations, triumphs, and transformations of Patañjali’s life journey as he achieves the wisdom to compose the Yoga Sutras.