Peter Donahue
Retrospective Reviews
Since 2005, the Retrospective Review column has appeared in each issue of Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, the quarterly publication of the Washington State Historical Society. The column reassess vintage works of Northwest literature, all of which have contributed to the region's literary legacy. It also profiles the authors of these works, all of whom participated in the early literary life of the Northwest. There have been more than 50 Retrospective Reviews to date.
Listen to my interview with Feliks Banel, editor of Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History,
for the Columbia Conversation Blog
Click Columbia covers to see sample Retrospective Reviews.
The Novels of Melvin Levy

The Novels of Robert Cantwell

The Memoirs of Charlotte Paul

The Memoris of Floyd Schmoe

The Novels of William Attaway

The Palouse Novels of Elizabeth Marion

The Poetry of Audrey Wurdeman

By the Sound by Edward Dorn

A Complete List of the Retrospective Reviews
The Novels of Mary Brinker Post (Fall 2005)
The Novels of Melvin Levy (Winter 2005-06)
The Seattle Writers’ Club (Spring 2006)
The Novels of Alan Hart (Summer 2006)
The Memoirs of Charlotte Paul (Fall 2006)
The Works of Margaret Thompson (Winter 2006-07)
The Novels of William Attaway (Summer 2007)
Great Son by Edna Ferber (Spring 2007)
Northwest Anthologies (Fall 2007)
The Coastal Novels of Nard Jones (Spring 2008)
The Inland Novels of Nard Jones (Winter 2007-08)
The Island Works of Hazel Heckman (Summer 2008)
The Palouse Novels of Elizabeth Marion (Fall 2008)
The Works of June Burn (Winter 2008-09)
The Novels of Ada Woodruff Anderson (Spring 2009)
The Northwest Memoirs of Floyd Schmoe (Summer 2009)
Lady on the Beach by Norah Berg (Fall 2009)
The Novels of Allis McKay (Winter 2009-10)
The Poetry of Mary J. Elmendorf (Spring 2010)
The Novels of Robert Cantwell (Summer 2010)
The Novels of Helen Rucker (Fall 2010)
The Memoirs of Martha Hardy (Winter 2010-11)
The Poetry of Audrey Wurdeman (Spring 2011)
The Works of Irving Petite (Summer 2011)
The Memoirs of Beatrice Cook (Fall 2011)
Timber by Edwin Parker (Winter 2011-12)
Cogewea, The Half-Blood by Mourning Dove (Spring 2012)
Northwest Harvest: A Regional Stock-Taking (Summer 2012)
The Fiction of Ella Higginson (Fall 2012)
The Olympic Peninsula Novels of Patricia Campbell (Winter 2012-13)
The Puget Sound Novels of Patricia Campbell (Spring 2013)
Doctor Come Quickly by Frank J. Clancy M.D. (Summer 2012)
Seven Years on the Pacific Slope by Mrs. Hugh Fraser (Fall 2013)
The Novels of Evelyn Bolster (Winter 2013-14)
By the Sound by Edward Dorn (Spring 2014)
The Light on the Island by Helene Glidden (Summer 2014)
Sir Boss by Ralph Bushnell Potts (Fall 2014)
Looking Northwest by Frank Hadley Cass (Winter 2014-15)
The Early Novels of Archie Binns (Spring 2015)
The Later Novels of Archie Binns (Summer 2015)
Last Night When We Were Young by Babette Hughes (Fall 2015)
God's High Table by Leland Frederick Cooley (Winter 2015-16)
The Juvenile Novels of Reed Fulton (Spring 2016)
Three Northwest Proletarian Novels (Summer 2016)
The Memoirs of Mary Bard (Fall 2016)
The Fiction and Folklore of James Stevens (Winter 2016-17)
The Tacoma Novels of Elizabeth Sale (Spring 2017)
Ethelyn Miller Hartwich: "Grandmother of Washington Poetry" (Summer 2017)
The Northwest Novels of Peter B. Kyne (Fall 2017)
The Works of Nancy Wilson Ross (Winter 2017-18)
The Novels of Anita Pettibone (Spring 2018)
The Historical Romances of Zola Ross (Summer 2018)